Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bungie Running New Marathon?

(click to Master-size)

According to IGN, themselves through superannuation, Bungie has filed a trademark for Marathon. For those that weren't Mac gamers in the '90's Marathon was the series that put Bungie on the map long before Halo or Xbox. In fact, you can find references to the classic series in Halo, if you're paying attention anyway.

With no further details on Marathon, it's unsure if Bungie is looking to revive the series, or simply keeping a hold on the name. Given the nature of the last story Bungie appeared here in, reviving the series could potentially be good for all kinds of people.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vanquish = Gears on (Japanese) Speed?

Well if this is the direction shooters are going to start taking, I may need to get my design molded into something playable real soon. (Come on Activision, where are those details? Help me out here.)

Shinji Mikami and his Platinum Games studio are ready to tweak yet another genre with their upcoming title, Vanquish, which has its very own preview over at Despite early comparisons to Gamecube dud P.N.03, likely due to the main characters suit more than anything, the game seems to have more in common with Epic's Gears of War games. Vanquish mostly sticks to the "stop 'n pop" style that Gears birthed, with a few uniquely Japanese additions.

What Zone of the Enders is to Armored Core, Vanquish looks to be to Gears of War. Namely: very Japanese in art direction and a a few notches up in terms of combat speed, notches that include the number of projectiles on-screen at once. Making the transfer from Gears is the cover system, icons to signigy environmental interaction, rolling between cover points, and reviving fallen allies. New, QTE's for runnign up giant spider's arms before taking out their kneecaps, assorted melee attacks such as uppercuts, acrobatic flips, bullet time and (ironically after the last one) the aforementioned boost to overall combat speed. Although, no matter what, it will still be a step down in speed from Platinum Games' frenetic last title: Bayonetta.

Comparisons aside, there are a few juicy tidbits of information found within 1up's preview. As with most of Mikami's games, Vanquish will focus entirely on single-player. The game apparently takes place mostly on a space station where a battle rages on between US and Russian military forces. Main character, Sam, is a DARPA employee that owes most of his ability (including combat-powerslide, I kid you not) to the "Augmented Reality Suit" that is of his own design, at least in part, as well as his transforming gun. (No, not that one.) The overall speed was elaborated on by breaking the game down to the player taking cover, firing a few shots, then moving to new cover as quickly as possible. By comparison, most cover-based shooters reward the player for staying behind cover and taking out each enemy from that position, rarely requiring the player to move before that. Players that master the new speed and over-the-top moves will be rewarded by the "Mission Stats" screen at the conclusion of each...mission, duh.

Aside from the fact that there will be weapon upgrades, such as a "+10 Damage," there was little else detailing Vanquish. Given the games pedigree, however, it looks like one to watch. Check out the full article to see the subdued enthusiasm yourself.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Some Cheers, Some Tears, Mostly Huh?'s

Those of you interested in the status of your favorite "is it ever actually coming out!?" game can check out the latest "Life Support" article over at IGN.

This lists the general status of several titles whose development status has remained amazingly questionable, for years in some cases. (Yes, Duke Nukem Forever is still on there, 13 years and counting!)

There is one interesting tidbit for readers of Higher Tech, Beyond Good and Evil 2 has had it's status bumped up to stable. However, no new details have emerged since HT last covered the game, so I'm not sure what caused the slight status promotion. But feel free to check everything out at the link above.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Reach for this new trailer

There's a new trailer up at IGN for Bungie's latest (and supposedly last) entry in the Halo series, Halo: Reach. The trailer details some of the new play modes and features (did I see jetpacks!?) of Reach and seems to hint that players will get a taste of all of it during the open Beta that starts this May. You bought Halo: ODST, right? Of course you did, you're reading this. You can check IGN's impressions and conclusions at the link above and watch the trailer below. Enjoy!